We have the following Facebook groups for social media marketing. You are welcome to join and post. We try our best to keep these safe from scammers.
Local Ontario trucking group. Join this Facebook group for az driver jobs, truck buy-sell, good truck repair shops, and road conditions in Ontario.
Truck driver group. Join here for Canada and US trucking. a great trucker gossip platform.
Truckloads Facebook group As a general rule, please do not send any money to any company, broker, or someone else without verification.
US Canada trucking jobs FB group
Truck driving school, CDL test tricks, new truckers, and more
Our official trucking group. truckservicez
semi-truck trailer, sale purchase Facebook group
Trucker products, buy-sell, in-cab products, clothes, GPS, refrigerator, and much more
Truck wash, products, and much more
Join and post in Indian-specific Facebook groups in Canada. Here is the list of Indians in
Kitchener, Cambridge, Waterloo, and Tricity area
Windsor, Essex, and Chatham area
International students in Canada from India
Homes for sale in Greater Toronto Area
Greater Toronto Area social media marketing group
Home renovation, construction, and handyman services in the Greater Toronto Area
List of scammers on social media
Canada immigration, study visa, visitor visa, super visa, and work permit
Contact us for auto-post setup in our groups. Plans are starting at $20 a month. We are a team of Web developers, graphic designers, and social media marketing Service providers in the Greater Toronto Area, contact us today.
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